Thursday, December 29, 2011

Analysis of Completion (or lack thereof) of my resolutions from 2011:

1. Join a gym.
Check! I even actively utilized my gym membership for a while there.

2. Work harder.
Well, I got fired from the job I intedned this to benefit, but I'd say I'm a better worker than I was a year ago. And I'm much better at this job, I think.

3. Buy a new car (Get better at saving money...)
Yeahhhh, not so much. I did get a little better at savign up though!

4. Grow up a little.

5. Score a 28 or higher on the ACT.
31 BITCHES. :))))

6. Get into college.
Still technically working on this one, but I'd say it's safe to cross it off. (See #5)

7. Visit my dad.
Get to/Got to see him TWICE in 2011.

8. Give more.

9. Express myself.
Maybe I lost a few friends for it, but I no longer have any qualms about saying what's on my mind. I also make a lot more art.

10. Meet new people.
Now that I think about it, this one was cheating. How could you go a whole year without meeting anyone new?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Update: I make stuff!

So awhile ago I made a post about some of my art, mostly it was all 3-dimensional stuff I think. This stuff is all on paper, straight from my high school Art II class. Hope you like it :)

This was the cover of my portfolio. My name (Lauren) is spelled out in the roots. :) Coloured pencil.

Silhouette scratchboard. Crayons, black spray paint, etching tools. I apologize for the glare :/

"Shattered image" A moose and maple leaves. Pencil.

One subject, three medium of a parrotfish. The third one looked kind of messy. Top one is watercolour pencil, bottom is oil pastel.

BIRTH Word Illustration. Kind of outlandish but this was my last project of the course and I wanted to do something different. Watercolor pencils.

Logo. My initials and three things that represent me. The leaf is a tea leaf. Coloured pencil.

Surreal collage drawing. Sharpie.

Mixed media stillife. Coloured pencil, oil pastel, sharpie.

Playing card collage. It's not as easy to get as I had hoped, but the theme is Ace of Spades - the apple of Eden. Construction paper collage.

Oil Pastel Pointillism. I'm actually very proud of this one. oil pastel is one of my favourite mediums and while the pointillism part was a giant pain in the ass, I'm happy with the way it turned out. There's a bit of a persepctive issue with one of the towers but oh well. :) Oil Pastels, Golden Gate Bridge.

Sharpie/Watercolor pencil. I want this as a tattoo but hopefully a real tattoo artist could make it look cooler.

Mother nature/father time. Oil pastel (belly), watercolour pencils (people), charcoal (background.)

Hope you liked them! Feedback is appreciated!

Dear women, shut up.

Hey guys, it's been awhile.

So, I went on a rampage today. (Not 'so' as in 'I mean to imply the previous sentence was the cause of the effect I'm about to describe,' but 'so' as in 'I'm about to tell you something that will make you roll your eyes and say "Oh, Lauren, what am I going to do with you?"') Someone posted a secret on the Postsecret app, saying something like "Men, YOU bleed from your penis for a week and then shove a melon out of your urethra and then criticize us." That's not an exact quote, I can't find the original 'secret' but it was something to that effect.

And, for some reason, it really set me off.

I have a serious, deep-rooted issue with women who say things like this. Please, do the rest of us a favor and shut up. Women who say things like this are usually the same women who demand expensive gifts and mope because real life isn't like The Notebook. Yeah, women have periods. We all know. Shut up about it. You don't hear men bitching about morning wood, or getting kicked in the balls, or having to pay for every stupid movie and festival and play you just had to see, do you? Rarely. And the ones that do are outnumbered 100 to 1 by women bitching about childbirth and their periods. And from my experience, women who talk about children/childbirth in the context of "shoving a melon out of your urethra" (which is a metaphor I have a problem with in itself, because the vagina and the urethra are COMPLETELY different openings with COMPLETELY different proportions) usually do not have children. My theory about this is that women who DO have children VALUE their children and are mature enough to understand that the pain involved in delivering the child is all art of the process, and that it is NOT ammo in the argument you are having with your high school boyfriend because he wouldn't do whatever stupid thing you wanted him to do. YES, women are the ones who have to feel the pain during childbirth. But women also share a bond with that child they birthed that no man will ever share with it. And not only that, but MEN have to put up with your crazy, pregnant ass for nine months. And don't even start, you know pregnant women are crazy. I'm pretty sure even pregnant women know pregnant women are crazy. And PLEASE don't start with the "Yeah but we didn't choose to feel the pain of childbirth, we just have to procreate and men don't appreciate how much it HURTS!" Actually, in choosing to have a child, you are choosing to feel the pain of childbirth. Don't wanna? Don't have a baby. Problem solved.

Now, I didn't go into all this arguing when I responded to the "secret" (which is what the posts on thsi app are called) but I did say that women like (the original poster) bother me and that being a drama queen about things EVERY WOMAN goes through is unnessecary. I offended a whole sea of people. One response in particular was a woman who said something along the lines of "Just because your period isn't bad, that doesn't mean no one's is."

Actually, I am diagnosed with (AND MEDICATED FOR) endometriosis. If you've never heard of it, it is a uterin disorder that causes the type of cells that typically grow within the uterus to form outside of the uterus. It causes abdominal pain, long/heavy menstruation, lower back pain, constipation/diarrhea, and possibly infertility. It once made me pass out. Guess what I did? I went to a doctor, and I got medication. And I don't whine about it to my boyfriend when I want him to do something. "BABBYYYYYY MAKE ME FOOOOD I HAVE ENDOOOO." No. That sounds stupid, and so would I. If you have cramps, take midol. If you don't want to feel the pain of childbirth, don't get pregnant.

But DON'T use your feminine problems as ammo against your boyfriend/men in general. They don't care and it makes those of us who handle our issues ourselves look bad.

Please and thank you.