Thursday, December 29, 2011

Analysis of Completion (or lack thereof) of my resolutions from 2011:

1. Join a gym.
Check! I even actively utilized my gym membership for a while there.

2. Work harder.
Well, I got fired from the job I intedned this to benefit, but I'd say I'm a better worker than I was a year ago. And I'm much better at this job, I think.

3. Buy a new car (Get better at saving money...)
Yeahhhh, not so much. I did get a little better at savign up though!

4. Grow up a little.

5. Score a 28 or higher on the ACT.
31 BITCHES. :))))

6. Get into college.
Still technically working on this one, but I'd say it's safe to cross it off. (See #5)

7. Visit my dad.
Get to/Got to see him TWICE in 2011.

8. Give more.

9. Express myself.
Maybe I lost a few friends for it, but I no longer have any qualms about saying what's on my mind. I also make a lot more art.

10. Meet new people.
Now that I think about it, this one was cheating. How could you go a whole year without meeting anyone new?

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